Thursday, February 5, 2009


I asked for another piece to work alongside Corpse Bride as that one is slow going.  I specified I'd like it easier.  My teacher awarded me a piano arrangement of Mozart's Syphony No. 40.  This version is much more complex, but you should recognize the melody.

Corpse Bride progressed quite well surprisingly.  That's one of the more interesting things about learning.  Struggle, struggle, struggle, HUGE BREAKTHROUGH.  It must just take a while for the brain to organize itself in a way to process the technique to doing it properly.

So, I'm still at a loss to what the next recorded piece is, but I'm working on those two plus Musette and The Rose.  

1 comment:

  1. Corpse Bride is a good tune. I'll be eager to hear you play it :)
