Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The frustrating part

Got quite a bit of practice in last night, but very little progress.  It's really frustrating to know all the parts of the song, but be unable to put the whole thing together.  It's especially frustrating in an easy song like Night Song.

Watermark presents another problem.  The left hand is an over an octave run.  There's only 4 or 5 variations but they are hard to jump to without looking.  Worse, the whole song is very easy to memorize.  So, instead of looking at the music, I look at my hands.  This is not a good way to get better.  Yes, when it comes to performance you're supposed to have it memorized, but for this point in my development I should still be reading.  For recording purposes, I should definitely be using the music as a notecard at the very least.

Anyway, we'll see what my teacher says today.  I think he'll be pretty surprised at my progress on Watermark as I haven't been the most dilligent worker up until lately.

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